Coronavirus and its after-effects on the human race.

3 min readFeb 26, 2021

Everything was going smooth and as flat as pancakes in human life and suddenly the world came to a standstill. Not in our wildest nightmares, we would have imagined that things will end up like this, and the human race which was meant to be free and roam around without any restrictions was meant to be caged in their home and their respective places just like the animals are kept in the zoo. Coronavirus which was originated from the Wuhan in China made the world halt. The deadly virus killed millions of people around the world and lockdown took place in various parts of the world.No doubts life is not the same as it was before the coronavirus took place. Let’s have a look at what we have lost and what we have gained after the pandemic in our life.

So much happened in the past year be it natural disasters, forest fires, snowstorms, and the pandemic which made our life miserable. Due to the virus all around the world, people were confined to stay in their homes and were out of reach of basic supplies like grocery items and other eatables and important things. Since the public vehicles came to a stop, thousands of migrant workers walked on their feet without food and water in the scorching heat of the summer. Many people lost their source of income and their jobs due to the pandemic. GDP of the many countries has fallen, there are travel restrictions from one country to another. Online learning took place in schools and colleges and reminded us of the importance of technologies. The saddest part of the pandemic is that millions of us lost our closest and beloved ones due to coronavirus and hence it shows how crucial it is to maintain social distancing and to use masks in public places. The only good thing that happened because of the pandemic was that families united and got spare time in the hustle-bustle of life to spend it with their dear ones. Nature healed due to the no or very little movement of the human race. Be it the fear of death or be it the financial loss and loss of livelihood, we have seen so much within a year and yet it reminds me that the more we progress towards developing the more we are dwelling ourselves in a hole of the uncertain upcoming disasters, be it human-made or be it the natural. We have to be responsible and active in healing nature against global warming and carbon emission. We didn’t saw this coming, yet it happened, and we lost many things in this process be it the loss of human life, loss of finance, loss of mental and physical health, or loss of freedom. We are moving on but we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us and I hope it brings a rainbow of hope and faith. We need to be careful about our activities in the future.

Remember “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

